Good afternoon all,
We are busy working behind the scenes to get your thoughts and feedback on the current Cultural Strategy for Northumberland. It’s a beautiful and inspiring read but our landscape has changed dramatically since it was written. Technology has moved on and there is much to celebrate.
Please do familiarise yourself with it and we’ll be in touch again soon to help you feed into the future vision for the next strategy.
New and Noteworthy…
November Club have a new home next door to Alnwick Playhouse. We are looking forward to more co-working days in The Playhouse bar this year. Do email us if you’d like to be added to the whatsapp group - open to all.
The New Culture Hub in Blyth is well under way. Behind the scenes pics here.
Don’t forget next Friday is the first of a series of free film screenings hosted by Meta4 Dance at the Alnwick Playhouse. Book your free space.
Join Mortal Fools’ Ensemble Young Company for Brainstorm: a fast-paced, dynamic and enlightening show that dives into the messy mechanics of the teenage brain!
Using script developed by Ned Glasier, Emily Lim, and Company Three, in collaboration with neuroscientists, 11 young performers share their stories, exploring how their brains work and how that affects their relationships with the adults in their lives.
A must-see for teenagers, young people, and the adults who live, support, and work with them. Contains some strong language.
You can see this performance on Sunday 30th March at Newbiggin Sports and Community Centre at 6pm.
Tickets are £6 for adults & £4 for concessions, students, freelancers & under 25s.
That’s it for this weeks round up.
Whatever you are doing this weekend, have a good one!
Beth & Claire.